Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Workflow

Leveraging Lotus Notes for Six Sigma Workflow

Process tollgates for the Design for Six Sigma methodology

DFSS Process tollgates

Tracker Suite leverages the messaging and document management capabilities of Lotus Notes to streamline workflow across the organization.

Tracker Suite provides automated reminders for time cards and status reports, ensuring timely reporting. Similarly, managers are automatically notified when a new time card, status report, expense report or purchase order have been submitted for their review. These automatic reminders and notifications encourage responsibility and streamline these critical processes.

Tracker Suite also leverages the Lotus Notes messaging system for task management, with automatic notifications of task assignments, acceptance and completion. In addition, Tracker Suite also provides a task dashboard, which managers can use to better manage their resources and track progress.

Using document templates, organizations can create process tollgates, which ensure that each phase is completed according to specification, and that the next phase begins only after proper approval.