An Organizational Calendar in Lotus Notes

Personnel Tracker, a Lotus Notes HR software solution, provides a color coded, organizational calendar that provides an at-a-glance review of employee vacation requests and their status, sick leave and company holidays.

In this organizational calendar, vacations and sick leave requests are color coded by status. Pending approvals on the calendar are light green, confirmed approvals are dark green. This color coding can be configured to your organization's preferences.

As well as the monthly view shown here, weekly and daily views are also available. Managers can also access department-level views.

As well as these views, Personnel Tracker provides an array of HR management tools and features, including:

  • A comprehensive employee catalog that includes contact information and location, position, transfer and salary history, skills and training, and even employee pictures. Personnel Tracker offers online, secure access to human resource documents such as family information, reviews, leave history, and correspondence.
  • An employee directory that can be accessed within Lotus Notes or over the Web.
  • Headcounts, EEOC and Salary reports, as well as other HR business intelligence.
  • Management functions for the new hire and termination process.