Personnel Tracker Roles & Responsibilities
Hannah HR (Human Resources Director)
- Maintain workflow rules and process change requests.
- Run reports on vacation usage, benefit plans, headcount, and salary.
- Send birthday and anniversary announcements as appropriate.
- Monitor evaluation and review status.
- Maintain salary history.
- Maintain standard employee provision requirements.
- Maintain required profile documents, such as change request forms.
- Manage hire and termination lifecycles.
- Update person documents in address book as required with employees' address & phone numbers.
- Update and maintain person document with employee information including supervisor, position, Tracker Products authorized to use, and approval limits.
- Print reports concerning salary information, benefit packages and ethnic profiles on employees and the entire organization.
Mark Manager (Project Manager)
- Approve vacation time and sick leave.
- Monitor personnel files and approval levels of his employees and make sure that all this data is accurate.
- Keep HR up to date on changes to employee position, pay, vacations, sick leave, bonus, etc.
- Keep HR informed concerning any changes to Project, Department, or Position Definitions or Profile.
Carlos Computer (IT Director)
- Maintain asset profiles.
- Fulfill asset and termination requests.
- Maintain standard employee assets.
- Maintain employee asset file.
- Maintain employee user ids, e-mail addresses and centralized security for Notes network.